IndiGo Visible Handheld Spectrometer

USD $1,955.00

The IndiGo VIS handheld spectrometer is a versatile and portable spectroscopy tool that allows the measurement of absorption, emission, or transmission spectra from 380 nm to 780 nm with a standard resolution of 1.5 nm (FWHM). Designed for mobility and integration, it connects via Bluetooth to Android devices or USB-C to PCs, making it suitable for both field and laboratory use. Its modular design supports a wide range of applications, from chemical analysis to optical filter characterization.

Key Features

- Spectral range: 380 nm – 780 nm.
- Spectral resolution: 1.5 nm (FWHM). Others available upon request.
- Modular design with optional fluorescence, reflection, and chemical analysis modules.
- Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity for Android devices.
- USB-C connectivity for PCs.
- Compatible with SMA-905 optical fiber adaptors.
- Factory calibrated, with the option for on-site re-calibration using Hg/Ar or fluorescent lamps.
- Compact and robust design with OEM options available.

Ideal for

- Chemical Analysis: Absorption, fluorescence, and reflection measurements.
- Education and Research: Hands-on learning and experimental setups.
- Gemology and Jewelry: Identification of gems and trace impurities.
- Lighting and Filter Characterization: Detailed spectral analysis of optical filters.
- Traceability and Authentication: Verification of materials.
- Field Optical Measurements: In-situ analysis of food products, fluorescence, and more.

Software Compatibility

- SpectroLab PC: A Windows application for spectra acquisition and analysis via USB-C connection.
- SpectroLab Android: An Android application for spectra acquisition and analysis via Bluetooth connection.

Supported Platforms

- Android (with Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity).
- Windows (via USB-C).


- Spectral range: 380 nm – 780 nm.
- Spectral resolution: 1.5 nm (FWHM). Others available upon request.


SMA-905 Optical Fiber Adaptor:
- Adapts standard SMA-905 optical fibers for broader experimental setups.

LED Excitation Module:
- Includes UV-A LEDs at 365 nm (other wavelengths available).
- Useful for fluorescence measurements in food products, inks, taggants, and impurities.

Laser Module:
- Includes a laser excitation source at 405 nm, 488 nm, or 532 nm (other wavelengths available).
- Performs laser-induced fluorescence for applications such as gem identification and impurity detection.

Cuvette Holder Module:
- Measures spectra in liquids with a cuvette holder.
- Offers two lighting options: white LED for absorption and UV-A LEDs for fluorescence.
- Useful for qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis.

GoLight White Flat Spectrum Broadband Light Source:
- Provides a flat, continuous spectrum across the visible range.
- Magnetically attached to the IndiGo for easy use.
- Ideal for optical filter characterization.

Shipping Information

Ships from Cambridge, MA
